Real Property Management Optimum

End of Year Resident Retention Tips

As the end of the year quickly approaches, and the holiday season is upon us, it is time to consider these end-of-year resident retention tips to make your 2018 the most successful one yet.

While many other industries are working around the clock to prepare for the holidays, far-too-often investment homeowners can get comfortable, or caught up in their own holiday plans, and unknowingly neglect the maintenance and repair needs of their tenants.

However, the holiday season is the ideal time for homeowners to focus on their family and friends, making property management services even merrier for you this time of year. When you partner with Real Property Management Optimum, you will be starting the year off on the right foot with your tenants as they feel cared for during the holiday season. This will encourage them to continue to choose your property when lease renewal season comes around.

Many people establish New Year’s resolutions that they soon forget, but we encourage you to start good property management habits at any time of the year and stick with it to improve your retention rate.

Check out these tips to start the new year with very merry residents:

1.      Respond Promptly

Nothing is worse during the holiday season than having to wait in a long line, then receive less-than-pleasant customer service. While you are an investment property owner, it is important that you use a property management team that responds promptly, and does so in a professional and positive manner. This helps establish a good rapport with your residents and influences their decision on where they will live next year.

2.      “Holiday Hours”

Property management is easily a full-time job, with many repair emergencies happening at all hours of the night and day, even on holidays where most companies will have shorter hours. Both you and your tenants will be happy when your property management team continues this service through one of the busiest times of the year.

If you follow these tips this holiday season, then you already off to a good start in having higher retention rates for your new year. If you would like more information about our property management services, contact us online or call us at 612-730-8293 today.